Denzel Washington returns to the screen as the enigmatic and relentless vigilante Robert McCall in “The Equalizer 3,” the latest installment in this action-packed franchise. Directed...
Ne-Yo’s ex-fiancée Monyetta Shaw-Carter is getting candid about the pairs break-up. The Real Housewives Of Atlanta star recently sat down for an interview and explained that...
Tyrese Gibson is still sour about having to fork over $20k a month to his ex-wife Samantha Lee … and he let it be known on...
Could The Real Housewives of Atlanta peaches be getting canned? According to reports producers are ready to give the Bravo reality show a makeover and are demanding...
Whoopi Goldberg clears the air about her sexuality. During a recent interview with Raven-Symoné, the EGOT winner clarified that she is “not a lesbian” despite her...
Kevin Hart has landed himself in a wheelchair after trying to do “young stuff.” Hart made the admission in a video on his verified Instagram account...
Rapper Blueface was stabbed in the leg by a stranger while training at a boxing gym in Los Angeles. The incident went down on Wednesday (Aug...
The trailer for The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 15 reunion is here, and it’s safe to say it’s super spicy. Andy Cohen sits down with...
Your favorite mother daughter duo is back on TV! Toya Johnson and Reginae Carter have made their return back to WeTV with their own reality television...
Rihanna is now the mother of two. The pop star and her longtime rap star boyfriend A$AP Rock secretly welcomed their second child on August 3...
Drake is giving back to his fans in a big way. On the last night of the L.A. run for his It’s All A Blur tour,...
Keke Palmer and Usher are poking fun at all the drama they caused following their dance in Las Vegas. In case you missed it, clips of...