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Camille Cosby Thinks #MeToo Movement Is Racist



Camille Cosby is still standing by her man. Following news that her husband Bill Cosby would be granted an opportunity to appeal his sexual assault conviction, Camille is speaking out and she’s not mincing her words.

In her first interview in six years she not only expressed her excitement over the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision but also slammed the #MeToo Movement.

“The state’s highest court … has said, ‘Wait a minute. There are some problems here. They can be considered for an appeal,’” she said via telephone to ABCNews anchor Linsey Davis. “I’m very, very pleased.”

Her 82-year-old husband is serving a three- to 10-year sentence after a jury found him guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004.

With Tuesday’s ruling, the court will review the judge’s decision to allow prosecutors to call five other accusers and to introduce evidence that he’d given women Quaaludes.

When asked about the scores of women who have accused her husband of sexual misconduct and #MeToo activists who believe Cosby is guilty she suggested the movement is rooted in racism.

“First of all, I don’t care what they feel,” she told ABC.

“The #MeToo movement and movements like them have intentional ignorance pertaining to the history of particular white women — not all white women — but particular white women, who have from the very beginning, pertaining to the enslavement of African people, accused black males of sexual assault without any proof whatsoever, no proof, anywhere on the face of the Earth,” Camille said.

She also said her husband’s case was not unlike the accusations that sparked the Tulsa, Oklahoma, race massacre in 1921 — and said her previous comparison of Cosby’s conviction to the lynching of Emmett Till was warranted.

“The parallel is that the same age-old thing about particular white women making accusations against black men that are unproven — Emmett Till’s outcome, to mutilate his body in the way that it was, was just really so deeply horrendous,” she told ABC.

“I mean — there’s a lack of words for that kind of hatefulness. But see, years ago, I interviewed the survivors from the Tulsa, Oklahoma, riots in 1921,” she added.

“And that was another case of a [white] female making a claim of sexual assault claim against a black male, which we all know if we know about the Tulsa, Oklahoma, riots,” she said.

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