Denzel Washington returns to the screen as the enigmatic and relentless vigilante Robert McCall in “The Equalizer 3,” the latest installment in this action-packed franchise. Directed...
Denzel Washington is speaking publicly for the first time about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock during the 94th Oscars. On Saturday, the Oscar-winning actor appeared with...
Denzel Washington’s passion project A Journal For Jordan is finally hitting theaters and he couldn’t be more excited. The Oscar winner told HipHollywood he signed on...
Ellen Pompeo claims she once went toe-to-toe with Denzel Washington on set .. and it didn’t go well. According to Pompeo it went down on set...
Denzel Washington is super proud his children are following in his famous footsteps. While his son John David Washington, 36, has proven to be a chip...
Denzel Washington is opening up about his time working with Chadwaick Boseman on his last film Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. Washington told “CBS Sunday Morning” while...
Denzel Washington is giving fans another reason to love him. A video has surfaced of the Oscar winner helping a homeless black man in distress. According...
Denzel Washington — a legend, an iconic, we stan. We also know that if you ask him a certain question he will shade the ish out...
It’s been four days since Denzel Washington became the face of one of the most popular memes of the month and the jokes are still circulating....
Just nearly a week after Sony hackers released racially insensitive and derogatory emails about Barack Obama, Kevin Hart and Angelina Jolie, a new email exchange has...
InTouch Weekly is coming for Denzel Washington, claiming that the A-list actor is a coke head and borderline alcoholic. A source tells the tabloid that the...